Sales and Leasing

Global Footprint with a Local Impact​

NAI Harmon provides expert sales and leasing brokerage services for commercial, industrial, and retail clients and investors. We represent both buyers and sellers, as well as tenants and landlords, in a wide range of traditional transactions and exchanges. Our team is dedicated to facilitating smooth and efficient transactions, ensuring that all parties involved achieve their real estate goals.

Through our affiliation with NAI Global, we have access to an extensive network of real estate professionals worldwide. This global reach allows us to offer comprehensive market insights and leverage international connections, providing our clients with unparalleled opportunities and resources. Our sales and leasing team is well-versed in the latest industry trends and market dynamics, enabling us to deliver strategic advice and customized solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs.

At NAI Harmon, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction. Our experienced professionals work diligently to understand the specific requirements and objectives of our clients, ensuring that we provide the best possible service and results. Whether you are looking to buy, sell, lease, or invest in commercial, industrial, or retail properties, our sales and leasing team is here to support you every step of the way.

Project Leasing

Our leasing philosophy is to address every assignment as though we were the owner and to view those assignments from a focused, strategic angle. Our goal is not just to fill the vacant space in a property, but rather to increase the value of the asset by assessing the owner’s needs and objectives and satisfying those goals.

Management Services

NAI Harmon Group’s property management services provide a complete range of property services including operations management, financial reporting, construction management, and receivership. We combine unparalleled local market knowledge with proven methodologies, a flexible reporting platform, and a deep commitment to customize our services and report to your needs, and satisfaction.

Property Marketing

Whether you require a comprehensive advertising and PR campaign for your new acquisition, a broad-based promotion, or target marketing to prospects, our marketing experts work in tandem with our leasing brokers and research teams to develop an innovative marketing strategy tailored to showcase your asset and make an impression.


Research plays an integral part in near-term decision-making and long-range planning for our clients. Retail trends, market activity, tenant intel, and market rates are key in understanding the best course of action in your leasing strategy.